The MPI-Mainz UV/VIS Spectral Atlas

of Gaseous Molecules of Atmospheric Interest

Hannelore Keller-Rudek1, Geert K. Moortgat2, Rolf Sander2, Rüdiger Sörensen1

1Satellite Group

2Atmospheric Chemistry Division

Max-Planck Institute for Chemistry
Mainz, Germany


Cross Sections

Quantum Yields


Contact, Imprint, Acknowledgements

When referring to the Spectral Atlas, please cite our publication:

Keller-Rudek, H., Moortgat, G. K., Sander, R., and Sörensen, R.: The MPI-Mainz UV/VIS spectral atlas of gaseous molecules of atmospheric interest, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 5, 365–373, (2013), DOI: 10.5194/essd-5-365-2013

Cross Sections / Halogen oxides / Cl oxides / ClOOCl


NAME: dichlorine dioxide, chlorine monoxide dimer, chlorine peroxide
CAS RN:12292-23-8

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Data Sets:

Formula Author(Year) T λ
ClOOCl Bloss(2001) 183-245K 210nm
ClOOCl Burkholder(1988) 250K 211.9-426.8nm(0.1nm)
ClOOCl Burkholder(1990) 250K 212-404nm
ClOOCl Burkholder(1990) 250K 212-410nm(2nm)
ClOOCl Burkholder(1990) 250K 245nm(max)
ClOOCl Chen(2009) 200K 308,351nm(photodiss. cross sect.)
ClOOCl Chen(2009) 250K 308,351nm(photodiss. cross sect.)
ClOOCl CoxHayman(1988) 203-300K 245nm(max)
ClOOCl CoxHayman(1988) 265K 219.7-360.0nm
ClOOCl DeMoreTschuikow(1990) 206K 190-400nm
ClOOCl Hobe(2009) 4-6K 220-400nm(Ne matrix)
ClOOCl HuderDeMore(1995) 195K 200-450nm
ClOOCl IUPAC(2007) 200-250K 200-448nm(rec)
ClOOCl Jin(2010) 200K 330nm(photodiss. cross sect.)
ClOOCl Jin(2010) 250K 330nm(photodiss. cross sect.)
ClOOCl JPL-2006(2006) 200-250K 190-450nm(rec)
ClOOCl JPL-2010(2011) 190-250K 200-420nm(rec)
ClOOCl JPL-2015(2015) 200K 200-535nm(rec)
ClOOCl Lien(2009) 160K 248.4nm(photodiss. cross sect.)
ClOOCl Lien(2009) 200K 248.4,266nm(photodiss. cross sect.)
ClOOCl Lien(2009) 200K 248.4nm
ClOOCl Lien(2009) 260K 248.4nm(photodiss. cross sect.)
ClOOCl McKeachie(2004) 223K 234-398nm
ClOOCl Papanastasiou(2009) 200K 200-420nm
ClOOCl Papanastasiou(2009) 200K 420-550nm(extrapolated)
ClOOCl Permien(1988) 235K 210-298nm
ClOOCl Pope(2007) 193K 226-355nm
ClOOCl Trolier(1990) 200-263K 225.0-325.3nm
ClOOCl VogtSchindler(1990) 230K 203.2-372.0nm
ClOOCl Wilmouth(2009) 240K 248,308,352nm(photodiss. cross sect.)
ClOOCl Young(2014) 197K 200.0-346.5nm(0.5nm)
ClOOCl Young(2014) 197K 200-345nm(5nm)
ClOOCl Young(2014) 197K 509.0-536.0nm(0.5nm)
ClOOCl Young(2014) 197K 510-535nm(5nm)

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