The MPI-Mainz UV/VIS Spectral Atlas

of Gaseous Molecules of Atmospheric Interest

Hannelore Keller-Rudek1, Geert K. Moortgat2, Rolf Sander2, Rüdiger Sörensen1

1Satellite Group

2Atmospheric Chemistry Division

Max-Planck Institute for Chemistry
Mainz, Germany


Cross Sections

Quantum Yields


Contact, Imprint, Acknowledgements

When referring to the Spectral Atlas, please cite our publication:

Keller-Rudek, H., Moortgat, G. K., Sander, R., and Sörensen, R.: The MPI-Mainz UV/VIS spectral atlas of gaseous molecules of atmospheric interest, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 5, 365–373, (2013), DOI: 10.5194/essd-5-365-2013

Cross Sections / Organics (carbonyls) / Halogenated aldehydes / COCl2 / Chou(1977)_296K_184.9-226.0nm

DATAFILE: COCl2_Chou(1977)_296K_184.9-226.0nm.txt
NAME: phosgene, carbonyl dichloride
AUTHOR(YEAR): Chou(1977)
T: 296K
λ: 184.9-226.0nm
BIBLIOGRAPHY: C.C. Chou, G. Crescentini, H. Vera-Ruiz, W.S. Smith, and F.S. Rowland, "Stratospheric photochemistry of CF2O, CClFO, and CCl2O", presented at the 173rd American Chemical Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 1977
COMMENTS: Data (averages over each 50-wavenumber interval) as reported and recommended by

R.D. Hudson, "Chlorofluoromethanes and the stratosphere", NASA Reference Publication 1010 (1977), pp. 44 and 49

Absorption cross sections (except value at 184.9 nm) have also been reported by

R.T. Watson, "Rate constants for reactions of ClOx of atmospheric interest," J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 6, 871-917 (1977); DOI: 10.1063/1.555558

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